You run around all day, don't take the time to eat breakfast properly? As a result, in the evening you rush to the fridge. Our specialists' advice to rebalance your cravings.
Your philosophy? After the effort, the comfort! During the day, you are on the alert and in control of everything you do. Even your lunches are under control: light, balanced, perfect for your figure. But when you get home, the pressure is off and you eat, a lot, of foods that give you pleasure, before the meal, but also at the table, and/or after dinner.
Snacking in the evening: the advice of a shrink
"If you eat so much in the evening, it's because you're finally letting go after a day of stress and control," says psychiatrist Dr. Stephane Clerget." For you, this constitutes a comforting and uplifting ritual. The risk is to tip over into total loss of control with the unreasonable consumption of caloric foods in large quantities, without taking pleasure in it and feeling guilty. "
Take care of these food intakes
Accept this relaxation, and make it a moment of relaxation and pleasure.
Choose quality foods from among those that give you pleasure.
Don't eat alone
If possible, do not eat alone. Especially not in front of the TV, which unconsciously causes you to eat a lot.
If possible, prefer a book, and chew well while concentrating on your sensations.
Find a pleasant alternative
Practice a relaxing activity before dinner. This can be a sport, but also a drama class...
At home: a bath, a TV series...
Late-night snacking would interfere with work the next day
Published in March 2021 in the Journal of Applied Psychology, a scientific study reveals that "unhealthy" eating behaviors taking place at night or late in the evening can make one less helpful and more withdrawn at work the next day. The "unhealthy" eating behaviors were late night snacking, eating too much food and/or alcohol in the evening, and eating too much fast food as judged by the participants themselves.
The study found that when participants engaged in these "unhealthy" eating behaviors, they were more likely to suffer from headaches, stomach aches and diarrhea the next day, as well as to feel guilty or ashamed of their food choices. All of these factors can lead to changes in behavior at work, such as a decrease in "helping" behavior (assisting a colleague), an increase in "withdrawal" behavior, which consists of avoiding certain unpleasant situations at work.
Dietician's advice to control these food urges
"Attentive to serving others well, you also tend to forget your own desires that resurface in the evening, says Franck Grison, dietician. To stop these compulsions, think more often of yourself! ",
Reinvest the other meals
Have a complete breakfast, even if it means getting up before the whole family to enjoy the moment.
At lunchtime, prefer to eat with colleagues rather than eating sandwiches or salads alone. And take your time.
Dedicate the pleasure food
Feel like cookies? Take cookies and not 0% yogurt! Because after the yogurt, you might still eat them...
Compensate for your slip-ups
You can indulge yourself in the evening, as long as you restore the balance during the day: if you need a pastry in the evening, opt for a fruit and/or a dairy product at lunchtime; if you have a craving for bread and cheese, choose a lean meat at midday and moderate the amount of starchy foods at dinner...