Consuming beet juice regularly provides a host of essential nutrients for the body. The benefits are numerous, ranging from lowering blood pressure, to preventing anemia, to reducing inflammation.

Good, reasons, to, drink, beet, juice

Beets have an excellent nutritional profile that helps lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and improve athletic performance. Their juice allows to benefit from the nutrients that would be destroyed by cooking.

However, a warning is necessary for people with low blood pressure and those at risk of kidney stones. Consult a health professional before consuming this food. Otherwise, don't hesitate to add lemon juice, ginger, mint or honey to the taste and enjoy all their benefits.

Beet juice: it would help to age in good health thanks to its effect on the oral microbiota

Beets, like lettuce, spinach and celery, are rich in organic nitrate, a compound that may be converted into nitric oxide by bacteria in the mouth's microbiota. The conversion of this compound may help maintain healthy blood vessels and brain function, researchers said in a news release. The researchers published a new study online March 5, 2021 in the journal Redox Biology, where they claim that drinking beet juice helps people age healthily through the phenomena described above.

For the study, 26 healthy people aged 70 to 80 years participated in two supplementation periods, each lasting 10 days. During the first ten days, they drank beet juice with 750 mg of nitrates per day, while during the following ten days, they consumed a "placebo" beet juice, depleted in nitrates.

The verdict: consumption of beet juice ("normal", i.e. not depleted in nitrate) was associated with higher levels of oral bacteria linked to good cerebral and vascular health. Conversely, lower levels of these bacteria were linked to the development of disease and inflammation. Systolic blood pressure dropped by five millimeters of mercury (mmHg) after consuming beet juice. 

"Our results suggest that adding nitrate-rich foods to the diet - in this case via beet juice - for just 10 days can significantly alter the oral microbiome for the better," boasted study co-author Anni Vanhatalo. "Long-term maintenance of this healthy oral microbiota could slow the negative vascular and cognitive changes associated with aging," he added. It is not excluded that comparable benefits are found during the consumption of other vegetables rich in nitrates (radish, celery, spinach, lettuce ...), but further studies should confirm it, and indicate to what extent and in what quantities the consumption of these vegetables has an interest in slowing the cognitive and vascular decline.

A vegetable rich in nutrients

Drinking beet juice regularly can help prevent certain deficiencies. According to Medical News Today, a small glass of organic beet juice contains 29 calories, no fat, as well as 0.42 g of protein, 7.50 g of carbohydrates, 5.42 g of sugar, and 0.40 g of fiber.

Beets are a source of antioxidants, vitamins and essential minerals. They contain vitamins A, B6, B9, and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, betalains, and nitrates.

Beet juice helps lower blood pressure

A growing body of research suggests that beets can help lower a person's blood pressure, thanks to the nitrates they contain. This compound dilates blood vessels, which improves circulation and lowers overall blood pressure. However, people who are already taking medication to lower their blood pressure may not notice the same benefits.

An effect on inflammation

Beet juice contains anti-inflammatory compounds called betalains. According to a 2015 study, betalains inhibit specific signaling pathways that play a role in inflammatory diseases. In some cases, this compound is said to help reduce the activity of an inflammatory enzyme by 32%.

A source of iron to prevent anemia

Beets are rich in iron, an essential component of red blood cells. Without iron, the blood of a person with anemia cannot carry oxygen throughout the body. Regular consumption of beet juice thus helps prevent anaemia.

Protect the liver

Beet juice contains antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and iron. These compounds help protect the liver from inflammation and oxidative stress while improving its ability to remove toxins from the body.

Beet juice improves sports performance

Certain compounds in beet juice, such as nitrates and betalains, can improve athletic performance. According to a 2017 study, nitrates can improve a person's athletic efficiency by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles.