In the night of Saturday March 27 to Sunday March 28, we change time. We will therefore sleep one hour less! To live well this small lack of sleep, Clémentine Joachim, certified sophrologist, advises the exercise of the reels to activate its energy. We make it!

Daylight, saving, time:, dynamic, awakening, with, sophrology

Time change: when did it start?

The time change was introduced in France after the oil crisis of 1973-1974. Since then, we sleep one hour more when we switch to winter time, which is convenient for everyone. On the other hand, the change to summer time is often more complicated because it makes us lose an hour of sleep.

Daylight saving time: how to wake up feeling good?

This hour less sleep is difficult to live with for some people. Sophrology can help them not to 'undergo' this change of hour and to feel dynamic as of the alarm clock.

Clémentine Joachim certified sophrologist, explains what it is necessary to make.

Sophrology: how to carry out the exercise of the reels?

    "This exercise makes it possible to activate its energy", specifies Clémentine Joachim.

- Do not rush your body: wake up slowly and wait a few minutes after getting up to practice this exercise.

- Take the time to breathe deeply, to observe the sensations in your body: observe the areas of your body that need to be energized for example, and identify the areas where the energy is more present, even if discreetly.

- Sit in a quiet place with enough space around you. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, back straight, eyes closed.

Start the exercise with your right arm

- Take a deep breath through your nose while remaining static.

- Hold your breath and throw your right arm from back to front (as if you were swimming the crawl) in large circles. Imagine that you are gaining momentum with your right arm, feel your strength.

- Blow strongly through your mouth while releasing your arm along your body. Take a few seconds to observe your feelings: feel the energy rising in you, perhaps you perceive like tingling or shivers in your right arm. Your body warms up little by little.

- Repeat a second time, throwing your right arm in the other direction, from front to back.

- At the end of the exhalation, once the arm is released, take another moment to welcome your sensations. Feel the opening of your rib cage. Let the energy flow through you.

- Repeat a third time with your right arm, choosing the direction of rotation you prefer. - Observe all your feelings: feel the difference in sensation between your right arm and your left arm: the body is more energetic, more stimulated on the right.

- Then switch to your left arm to awaken the left hemisphere of your body!

Continuation of the exercise with the left arm

- Perform the same movements with your left arm, in the same order. Feel your natural energy spreading throughout your body, awakening every cell in your body.

End the exercise with both arms at the same time

- End the exercise by throwing both arms at the same time in the desired direction of rotation.

- At the end of the exhalation, with both arms relaxed along the body, take a few seconds to feel the energy flowing through you. (You can give it a color to facilitate this observation). Let this natural energy flow through you. Feel your vitality, even with an hour less sleep!

Your body is better awake, your mind is more available. The day can start in a good mood! Even more so if the sun is shining!