A study confirms that consuming too much eggs drastically increases the risk of diabetes. Consuming one or more eggs per day would increase the risk by 60%.
Scrambled, poached, soft or hard, the egg has many health benefits, starting with its richness in proteins and vitamin B12. But like many other types of food, in excess it can be harmful to health.
A new study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, specifies the risk of diabetes in the event of excessive consumption.
Conducted by the University of South Australia in partnership with the University of Medicine of China and the University of Qatar, the longitudinal study was conducted from 1991 to 2009 among 8,545 Chinese adults aged 18. After taking into account participants' eating habits and fasting blood sugar levels, the researchers found that people who regularly ate one or more eggs per day (equivalent to 50 grams of egg) increased their risk of developing diabetes. 60%. This is worrying in China, as the country is gradually adopting a more "western" diet, richer in eggs than traditional Chinese food.
“What we found is that long-term higher egg consumption (over 38 grams per day) increased the risk of diabetes in Chinese adults by about 25%. In addition, adults who regularly ate a lot of eggs (more than 50 grams, or the equivalent of an egg, per day) had a 60% increased risk of diabetes ”, explains Dr. Ming Li, co- author of the study, who specifies that the observed effect seems more pronounced in women than in men.
Recalling that the number of people consuming eggs in China nearly doubled from 1991 to 2009, the epidemiologist and endocrinologist points out that "diet is a known and modifiable factor that contributes to the onset of type 2 diabetes." Also, “it is therefore important to understand the range of dietary factors that may have an impact on the increasing prevalence of the disease,” he adds. This study contributes to the development of guidelines for limiting the risk of diabetes through simple dietary measures.