After paying attention to your diet and exercising all year round, you don't want to spoil everything in the summer with a few ice creams, an aperitif and a barbecue too. Fortunately, certain seasonal fruits and vegetables are particularly beneficial for slimming and maintaining the figure during the holidays. Find out which ones.
This summer, choose certain low-calorie or fat-burning foods to keep fit and maintain the figure you've worked so hard for all year.
Slimming vegetables to eat in summer
Fennel, rich in antioxidants, calcium and potassium, contains only about 20 kcal per 100 grams.
You can prepare it as a salad with a few grated carrots which will provide you with vitamins A, B and K, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium for around thirty kcal per 100 grams.
Add slices of cucumber, also very low in calories (12 kcal per 100 g) and composed mainly of water, and a few cherry tomatoes, whose diuretic properties help eliminate toxins present in the body.
Slimming fruits to eat in summer
Pineapple is particularly recommended after a meal for its fat burning properties and low calorie intake (30 per 100 grams).
Mix it with raspberries which provide fiber to aid digestion, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium for 35-40 kcal per 100 grams.
For the perfect summer fruit salad, drizzle it with lemon juice (ideally organic), a fruit known for its antioxidant qualities and vitamin C.
Also enjoy the watermelon without moderation, which provides 34 calories per 100 g. A nice slice of watermelon (about 180 g) provides less than 70 calories. A fruit rich in antioxidants and, moreover, very refreshing. To vary the pleasures, try our three slimming recipes to taste watermelon in salad, gazpacho or granita.
Drinks that don't make you fat in summer
In the hot weather at the beach, don't go for sodas, which are full of sugars and more dehydrating than you might think, but instead bring a thermos filled with iced tea. The day before, steep a tea bag in a quart of cold water for one to two hours. Then add a few mint leaves and place the bottle in the fridge overnight. No need to add sugar, this thirst-quencher is perfect and contains only one calorie per liter of water, enough to indulge yourself and eliminate toxins without feeling guilty.
Of course, it should be remembered that water is a natural appetite suppressant. If you don't like drinking plain water, you can flavor it with a slice of lemon, a few mint leaves. It's delicious, thirst-quenching and good for the figure, what more could you ask for!