Fragrant and mellow, fresh apricots delight us all summer. It is the ally of our vitality and our beautiful complexion. This beautiful orange fruit also helps fight constipation. Reminder of its health benefits and advice on purchasing and storage.

It is one of the star fruits of the summer. And it would be wrong to deprive yourself because it has many virtues for health and can be enjoyed both in sweet and savory versions.

Apricot, a healthy ally

He is rich in vitamin A, especially in his skin. Two apricots provide around 34% of daily needs (according to the Ciqual table of nutritional composition of food). "Vitamin A promotes hydration of the epidermis, explains Audrey Aveaux, dietician-nutritionist. In summer, it also protects the skin from the sun and activates melanin to have a nice tanned complexion. And all of this, naturally.

A remineralizing fruit

Apricot is one of the fruits richest in minerals and trace elements. It provides eleven (potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, sodium, zinc and selenium). Remineralizing your body so that it functions well is important, especially in summer because you sweat more, which eliminates the minerals.

Potassium is the most represented mineral: from 11 to 13% of the daily needs for two apricots (according to the Ciqual table). "It is essential for the regulation of blood pressure," says the dietician.

Right after comes copper: between 7 and 9% (according to the Ciqual table) of the daily intake for two fruits. Copper is important for boosting natural defenses. The other minerals and trace elements provide less than 2.5% of daily needs.
Apricot regulates transit

The apricot provides between 1.3 g and 2.5 g1 of fiber per 100 g, i.e. two apricots. "Its fibers, especially pectins, regulate intestinal transit, which avoids constipation problems," says Audrey Aveaux. Its tangy flavor also stimulates digestive secretions. "
An anti-aging food

The apricot contains phenols (caffeic and ferulic acids ...) and flavonoids (catechol, epicatechol, quercetol ...) which give it antioxidant properties, thus protecting the cells of the organism from premature aging. "He has a good Orac score, which measures the antioxidant activity of a food," adds the dietician. The apricot yield is 1,100 mg per 100 g (source: USDA Database). Some of these substances also have an anti-inflammatory action.

And the dried apricot? It is 5 times more energetic than fresh apricots: it provides 271 kcal per 100 g (10 to 12 fruits), compared to 50 kcal / 100 g (2 to 3 fruits depending on the size) for fresh apricots. It is the dried fruit richer in potassium with a content of 1.09 g per 100 g. It is ideal for athletes to fight against cramps thanks to its potassium content, this mineral being essential for neuromuscular functioning.

Health precautions before eating an apricot

If you are allergic to birch pollen, apricot can itch, burn your mouth, lips, throat.
In case of intolerance to sulphites: food additives (from E 220 to E 228) are used to prevent dried apricots from browning. They cause headache, tightness or noisy breathing, runny nose, and cry eyes.

How to choose and store your apricots

Be careful, the apricot does not ripen once picked! Ripe, it gives off a delicious fragrance.

The Bergeron is melting and balanced between its sweet and tangy flavor.
L'Orangé de Provence is very fragrant and very sweet.
L'Orangered is juicy and very fragrant.
Bergarouge is a large apricot, very juicy and very sweet.

Apricots can be stored for three days in a fruit bowl, out of direct sunlight, and up to five days in the vegetable drawer of the fridge.

How to cook apricot? In the salty version, it accompanies spinach, foie gras in salads. It is used as a garnish for roast veal or pork. On the sweet side, he appreciates citrus en papillote, hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds in a stew, or even pan-fried, or stuffed and baked.